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How do I access my .git directory from within my app?



  • DevRel doesn’t provide direct access to your .git repository, but there are still a few methods you can use to access that information from your application.

    Get the commit hash of your current work tree

    Although the commit hash of the state of your project isn’t available to your application directly, it is still possible to figure it out using the PLATFORM_TREE_ID environment variable that is provided to your application and our CLI tool.

    WARNING: This method is provided only as a proof of concept. Please be sure to thoroughly test your implementation of this method before putting it into production.

    Configure dependencies

    First, you’ll need to configure an environment variable to pass your API token to the build process. In your project settings (not the settings for any individual environment), add an environment variable to contain your API token:


    Set the name to env:PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN, mark it as sensitive, and indicate that you want it to be available during the build process but not the runtime.

    This proof-of-concept method has two dependencies: the CLI and the jq command line tool for parsing JSON objects. We can install both in the build hook by adding these lines:

    curl -sS | php
    wget -q -O jq
    chmod +x jq # Make jq executable

    Talking with the API

    Create a new file called in the root directory of your application, and paste in the script below. Make sure to make the script executable with chmod +x

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ${PLATFORM_APP_DIR}/.platformsh/bin/platform p:curl -X GET activities | \
    ${PLATFORM_APP_DIR}/jq -r \
        --arg tree ${PLATFORM_TREE_ID:0:7} \
        --arg app ${PLATFORM_APPLICATION_NAME} \
        '.[] |
            select(.type == "environment.push") |
            select(.log | (contains("tree: " + $tree))) |
            [0] | .payload.commits | .[0].sha

    The above script makes a call to the activities API endpoint for the project in which this script is being run and extracts a commit hash from the results. Let’s break it down:

    • .[] | – This command iterates over the array of results and pipes each object to the next command.

    • select(.type == "environment.push") | – This selects the subset of activity entries that are Git push events.

    • select(.log | (contains("tree: " + $tree))) | – This takes the log key from each event entry and checks to see if it has the string tree: $tree contained within, where $tree is the first seven characters of $PLATFORM_TREE_ID. The

    • [0] | .payload.commits | .[0].sha – This line takes the first matching event and returns the SHA hash of the most recent commit.

    Final build hook

    Call from your build hook and output the result to a file called .commit, like so:

        build: |
          # Other commands omitted for space
          # Dependencies for getting the current commit
          curl -sS | php
          wget -q -O jq
          # Make the script executable
          chmod +x jq
          # Output the commit hash to a file
          ./ > .commit
          # If you don't need `jq` for anything else, you can remove it
          rm jq

    This method should work reliably because the .commit file is only updated during the build hook. Thus, if you have multiple apps in one project, only apps that have code changes with each commit will be rebuilt, making the contents of the .commit file permanently associated with the correct commit.

    Without dependencies

    As mentioned above, this example is only a proof-of-concept. It is also possible to query the API directly without the CLI tool, and you can process the JSON results with any tool or language that you prefer.

    Adding a .git repo for other tools to use

    Some tools, such as a static site generator like Hugo, can parse the information contained within the .git directory and use it to determine when pages were last updated, who has edited a page, etc. For this use case, you’ll need more than just the commit hash.

    If you want to have access to that information in your application, you can clone the repository that is being used to build the application and extract the .git repo from there.

    In your file:

        build: |
          # Optionally, the contents from the build hook in the previous section
          # . . .
          # Clone the repository for the current project
          git clone .repo
          # Optionally, set the working state of the repository to the current commit
          cd .repo
          git reset --hard $(cat ${PLATFORM_APP_DIR}/.commit)
          cd ..
          # Move the .git repo into the root directory of the app, and delete the old working tree
          mv .repo/.git .
          rm -rf .repo

    Now any tools you want to use can process this repository as if it were any other working tree containing a .git directory.

  • DevRel


    8 months have passed, is there an easy way to access our .git directory within an app, or we still should do this? :confused:

    Thanks :slight_smile:

  • Matthias Van Woensel

    There is actually a way to make changes to code


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