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Does support subdomains and Let's Encrypt for them?



  • Chad Carlson

    While does support wildcard routes to generate the number of subdomains you are looking for, we do not currently support Let’s Encrypt for those wildcards.

    To create the wildcards, you can simply prefix the route with a star ( * ), for example *.{default} , and HTTP request to www.{default} , blog.{default} , us.{default} will all get routed to the same endpoint.

    As for certificates, does support custom certificates, such as a Comodo SSL wildcard certificate.

  • John Grubb

    Hi, yes there is a limit and to know what the limit is requires diving into implementation details a bit.

    The way that manages certain aspects of configuration within the application containers is with environment variables. You are probably familiar with the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS variable used to set up connection strings for that environments database, etc but there is another variable named PLATFORM_ROUTES that is essentially a JSON representation of your environments routes. It’s base64 encoded just like the RELATIONSHIPS variable, so decoded it looks something like this -

    web@35ztu3ywra3e7usbmuowjb6nim:~$ echo $PLATFORM_ROUTES | base64 -d | json_pp
       "" : {
          "original_url" : "http://www.{default}/",
          "id" : null,
          "to" : "",
          "primary" : false,
          "restrict_robots" : true,
          "type" : "redirect",
          "http_access" : {
             "basic_auth" : {},
             "addresses" : []
       "" : {
          "restrict_robots" : true,
          "original_url" : "https://{default}/",
          "primary" : false,
          "http_access" : {
             "basic_auth" : {},
             "addresses" : []
          "attributes" : {},
          "type" : "redirect",
          "tls" : {
             "min_version" : null,
             "client_authentication" : null,
             "client_certificate_authorities" : [],
             "strict_transport_security" : {
                "include_subdomains" : null,
                "preload" : null,
                "enabled" : null

    So here’s the deal - there is a limitation to how large a Linux environment variable can be. The more routes (domains) you add to your project, the larger this variable will be. It’s kind of impossible for me to say exactly how many domains it can fit because it’s really more about “how many bytes does this string take up?” but I think 500 is probably going to be over the limit.


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